Led Primary series
Led Primary Series [in Sanskrit]
Important: This class is not self-paced. Students must be able to follow the teacher's Sanskrit counting and complete at least half of Ashtanga Primary Series without instruction or assistance.
Class begins with chanting the opening mantra.
Students cannot talk during practice.
Benefits of Led Primary Series Class in Sanskrit
Led Primary Series Class in Sanskrit offers a number of benefits, including:
- Personalized practice: Students can adjust their practice to match Sanskrit counting pace and focus on their own individual needs.
- Sanskrit counting: The teacher's Sanskrit counting helps students to develop a deeper connection to the practice and to their inner breath.
- Community: Led Primary Series classes are typically small and intimate, which creates a sense of community and support.
- Flushing away unconstructive self-practice habits: A Led Primary Series class is effective in flushing away unconstructive self-practice habits such as a wandering mind, losing the connection with the breath, or fidgeting between postures.
- Refining your practice: A Led Primary Series class provides an opportunity to refine your practice by following the ‘count’ as it is traditionally prescribed.
Who is Led Primary Series Class in Sanskrit for?
Led Primary Series Class in Sanskrit is suitable for experienced students who know at least half of Ashtanga Primary Series and are comfortable practicing at their own pace and following the teacher's Sanskrit counting.
What to expect in a Led Primary Series Class in Sanskrit
When you arrive at your first Led Primary Series Class in Sanskrit, the teacher will chant the opening mantra.
Once the mantra is complete, the teacher will begin counting in Sanskrit. Students will then move through the primary series at their own pace, following the teacher's counting.
The class will end with the finishing sequence.